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Drifting the Plains

Drifting The Plains (DTP) events are our grassroots drift weekends open to drivers of all skill levels, from newbies to veterans. There are up to 3 days of drifting available to drivers that purchase a weekend pass. The track layout changes between events and will be announced the week of the event. Drivers can run as singles, tandem with friends, or compete with others. We run our events in all weather, rain or shine.

New for 2025: If you’re participating in competition, you must choose between driving the Open Series on Saturday or the Limited Series on Sunday. You cannot run both in the same weekend.

Fargo Drifting Open Series

Fargo Drifting is awarding cash prizes to the top 5 drivers in points at the end of the 4 round series of tandem competitions. The Open Series competition is held on the Saturday afternoon of each DTP event. Points standings are calculated and uploaded the week after an event. Drivers competing in the Open Series must purchase a weekend pass to compete.

The season winners are calculated and announced at the end of the final DTP event each year. Check out previous winners on the Winner Wall.

Fargo Drifting Limited Series

This newer tandem series has rules limiting tire size and horsepower modifications, and we encourage newcomers who want to try competing to enter. There are no points or rounds across events. The Limited Series competition is held on the Sunday afternoon of each DTP event.

Weekend Schedule

Friday – Bonus for Weekend Pass Drivers

8AM – Gates open

9AM – Tech opens

11:30AM – Drivers meeting

12:30PM – Track is hot

7PM – Track is cold


8AM – Gates open

8AM – Drivers meeting

9AM – Track is hot/Practice begins

1PM – Competition begins (Open Series)

7PM – Track is cold


8AM – Gates open

8:30AM – Drivers meeting

9AM – Track is hot

11AM – Competition begins (Limited Series)

5PM – Track is cold